The closing price for NTHEX on 3/27/2025 was $3.64

Selling Shares

You are entitled to redeem all or any portion of the shares credited to your account by submitting a written request for redemption to the Trust. You may download a redemption form HERE. Within seven days after the receipt of such a request in “good order” as described below, a check or electronic funds transfer will be sent to you or your bank in an amount equal to the NAV of the redeemed shares. This will be the NAV next determined at the close of the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) after the redemption request has been received. Redemptions may be suspended or payment dates delayed on days when the NYSE is closed other than weekends or holidays. The Trust does not wire redemption proceeds to individual shareholders. You will not receive interest on amounts represented by uncashed redemption checks.

A redemption request will be considered to be in “good order” if it meets the following requirements:

  • The request is in writing, indicates the number of shares or dollars to be redeemed and identifies your account. The letter must be signed by all registered owners. The letter can be mailed or faxed to (617) 742-5666 before the close of the NYSE;
  • The request includes any certificates issued representing the shares, endorsed for transfer (or accompanied by a stock power in customary form) exactly as the shares are registered;
  • For redemptions in excess of $25,000, your signature has been guaranteed by a U.S. bank or trust company, member of a national securities exchange or other eligible guarantor institution. Mere witnessing of a signature is not sufficient; a specific signature guarantee must be made with respect to all signatures. Signature guarantees are designed to protect you and the Trust from fraudulent activity. A notary public is not an acceptable guarantor;
  • In the case of corporations, executors, administrators, trustees or other organizations you must enclose evidence of authority to sell (i.e. a corporate resolution);
  • If shares to be redeemed represent an investment made by check, the Trust reserves the right to delay payment until the check has been cleared up to a maximum of 10 days;
  • Redemption checks will only be made payable to the registered shareholder(s)
  • A signature guarantee as described above is required on all redemptions when the check is mailed to an address other than the address of record or if an address change occurred in the past 30 days;
  • Telephone redemptions will not be made;
  • The Trust reserves the right not to process redemption requests from shareholders who on consecutive days request redemptions of less than $25,000 without a signature guarantee;
  • Under the applicable anti-money laundering regulations and other federal regulations, redemption orders may be suspended, restricted or canceled and the monies withheld.

You may make scheduled redemptions from your account via electronic funds transfer (EFT) directly to your eligible bank account by utilizing the Scheduled Withdrawal Plan (SWP) feature. Mail or fax to (617)742-5666 your completed SWP form  along with a voided check and the Trust will automatically redeem shares based on your desired schedule and amount.

You may also make redemptions from your account via the web. Once you obtain online account access, you can trade shares of Northeast Investors Trust online. Redemption proceeds can be sent by check to the address of record or can be credited directly to your bank account via electronic funds transfer.

The Trust reserves the right to deliver assets in whole or in part in kind in lieu of cash. The Trust is obligated to redeem shares solely in cash up to the lesser of $250,000 or 1 percent of the net asset value of the Fund during any 90 day period for any one shareholder. Shareholders receiving redemptions in kind will incur brokerage costs in converting securities received to cash.

If you are an investor in a tax-advantaged retirement plan you should consider specific taxpayer restrictions, penalties and procedures that may be associated with redemptions from your retirement plan in order to qualify under the provisions of the Internal Revenue Code. The Trust assumes no responsibility for determining whether any specific redemption satisfies the conditions of federal tax laws. That determination is your responsibility. Penalties, if any, apply to withdrawals from the plan, not to redemptions from the Trust, and are governed by federal tax law alone.